How we drive lasting change in health care
A civic home base for doctors across specialties to collaborate on improving health care through our initiatives.
Bringing together experts to support the defense and expansion of access to reproductive health care.
Expanding our network of physicians and health care professionals through text and email outreach.
Providing continuous development to keep physician leaders engaged and energized.
Empowering future leaders in health care and patient advocacy.
A trusted voice steering the conversation to accurate, patient-centered health care stories told with an unrivaled communications footprint.
Informing the public about the health care issues that matter.
Amplifying our message through media channels to expand our reach and create meaningful influence by ensuring physician and patient stories resonate far and wide.
Quickly addressing breaking news and crises to promote our message inside the news cycle or combat disinformation as it happens.
Leveraging the latest data and research to ensure our messaging resonates with our audience and maximizes impact.
A catalyst for empowering citizens to take action and vote for health care reform.
Providing accurate, accessible information to empower voters on health care issues.
Spotlighting key health care issues in elections to ensure voters understand the potential impacts on access, affordability, and public health.
Engaging doctors, patients, and advocates through social media campaigns and earned media to educate the public on health care issues and encourage informed participation in the voting process.
A platform for doctors to influence policy through politician education.
Ensuring lawmakers are informed about key health care issues and their impact on constituents.
Blending high-level strategies and community advocacy for maximum impact.
Engaging influential community leaders and health care professionals to advocate for policy change at the highest levels, driving reform through their trusted voices and networks.
Building powerful partnerships to create a health care system that works for everyone.
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