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Reproductive and Family Freedom

We champion reproductive rights and family freedom, ensuring that every individual has access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, and the ability to make informed decisions about their health and their families’ futures.

In a post-Roe America, we know it’s critical to defend and protect abortion access and reproductive freedom at all levels of government.

As attacks on access continue to escalate, doctors of all backgrounds are stepping up to hold anti-abortion politicians accountable and pass pro-reproductive freedom policies wherever possible.

We’re promoting strategies to ensure freedom in reproductive health care and accountability for those who seek to undermine access to care.

Doctors with the Committee have helped pass ballot initiatives enshrining protections for abortion access in the constitutions of states across the country, spoken out against anti-abortion politicians, and helped elect reproductive freedom champions at the state and federal levels.

We’ve also grown our Reproductive Freedom Taskforce, a collaboration among abortion providers, medical professionals, and elected officials. Too often, the reproductive rights debate is warped by politics and shaped by opponents of reproductive freedom. The Taskforce brings the conversation back to health care. Taskforce members move and reframe the debate, rightfully casting opponents to reproductive freedom as an extremist minority contradicting medical science, and centering abortion care as a critical piece of comprehensive health care access.



signatures from physicians and a nationwide media blitz urging the Supreme Court to protect the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) in the Moyle v. United States case, shortly before the case was dismissed.


physicians mobilized nationwide to correct the record on disinformation, advocate for legislative reform, and pass statewide ballot initiatives.


statewide ballot initiative wins protecting reproductive rights, serving as a partner and independent validator of the initiatives’ positive impact on patient freedom and health outcomes.


Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiatives in States

Without the federal right to abortion that had been guaranteed under Roe v. Wade, state efforts to protect access are more important than ever.

We’ve helped pass ballot initiatives to enshrine the right to reproductive freedom in state constitutions in Michigan, Ohio, Arizona, Missouri, Montana, and Nevada. We’re proud to have been a part of these efforts by amplifying the voices of trusted physicians in earned media, voter publications, open letters, op-eds, and physician endorsements.

State Supreme Court Accountability

Reproductive freedom laws and constitutional protections must be interpreted and implemented as intended in order to ensure care is truly accessible. That’s why we’ve been active in state Supreme Court politician accountability in states like Wisconsin, where the court is considering whether an 1849 law bans abortion.


Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiatives in States

Without the federal right to abortion that had been guaranteed under Roe v. Wade, state efforts to protect access are more important than ever.

We’ve helped pass ballot initiatives to enshrine the right to reproductive freedom in state constitutions in Michigan, Ohio, Arizona, Missouri, Montana, and Nevada. We’re proud to have been a part of these efforts by amplifying the voices of trusted physicians in earned media, voter publications, open letters, op-eds, and physician endorsements.

State Supreme Court Accountability

Reproductive freedom laws and constitutional protections must be interpreted and implemented as intended in order to ensure care is truly accessible. That’s why we’ve been active in state Supreme Court politician accountability in states like Wisconsin, where the court is considering whether an 1849 law bans abortion.

Program news

Voters back abortion access in Missouri

Abortion Access is at Stake This Election: Dr. Kumar Interviews with ABC News

Doctors call on Arizonans to vote yes on Prop. 139

OPINION: Nevada can strengthen reproductive freedom, access to abortion with Question 6

More than 250 Montana medical professionals sign letter supporting CI-128

Arizona’s abortion restrictions actively harm women and their doctors