Site-Neutral Payments


Patients should be charged the same price when they receive the same medical service, no matter where they receive it.


Unfortunately today, big hospital systems are buying up small physician practices and then charging patients more to receive the same care there. By changing the logos on the door of the physician practices, big hospital systems are making billions more dollars, at the expense of patients. Site-neutral payments will ensure that patients pay the same price for the same service, and will save patients billions of dollars.


Dr. Ernesto A. Pretto, Jr. MD, MPH<br>Coral Gables FL
Dr. Ernesto A. Pretto, Jr. MD, MPH
Coral Gables FL
Professor of Clinical anesthesiology
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"Doctors are deeply concerned about this trend toward health care acquisitions, mergers and consolidations by private equity and other large hospital corporations. They drive up out-of-pocket costs and raise premium prices for everyone. Hospitals shouldn’t gouge patients to pad their already soaring profit margins."
Dr. Gary Wainer<br>Oak Park, IL
Dr. Gary Wainer
Oak Park, IL
Retired Family Physician
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"Let me be clear: These higher prices and additional fees have nothing to do with clinical effectiveness or safety. Large hospital systems are charging patients more because they can, and because the fees add to their profits."
Dr. Kim Dawson Vernon<br>Dallas, TX
Dr. Kim Dawson Vernon
Dallas, TX
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"We were heartened to see members of Congress introduce the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act as a meaningful step to help patients better understand health care costs, and, eventually, to help actually lower them. Doctors are ready to support this legislation and future bipartisan efforts to enact site-neutral payments, to ensure that patients receive the same care for the same price."
Dr. Madelaine Tully<br>Milwaukee County, WI
Dr. Madelaine Tully
Milwaukee County, WI
Family Physician
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“Unfortunately, [health care] mergers haven’t demonstrably increased quality of care — just the cost of it. Doctors know it’s just a new way for big hospitals to game the system and make more money. If I order a screening or a biopsy for a patient, it will cost them significantly more if they have to go to an ‘outpatient department’ instead of an independent clinic. Either way, the services will be the same. Just because a hospital now owns your local doctor’s office, they can jack up the prices."
Dr. Aisha Harris<br>Flint, MI
Dr. Aisha Harris
Flint, MI
Family Physician
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“My patients are already getting squeezed by skyrocketing prescription drug prices, rising premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs. Now the hospital they count on to look after them is getting in on the action, by sticking them with unnecessary and unjustifiable hospital fees for procedures that are identical yet would cost far less in an independent office or freestanding facility.”
Dr. Max Cooper<br>Southeastern PA
Dr. Max Cooper
Southeastern PA
Emergency Physician
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"Right now, our twisted, tangled reimbursement system leads to patients being charged more for the same health care services just because of where they receive them... This means patients across the state and country are losing billions of dollars just because of where they receive care."
Dr. Timothy R B Johnson<br> Ann Arbor, MI
Dr. Timothy R B Johnson
Ann Arbor, MI
High Risk Obstetrics Specialist
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"Patients are getting fleeced. Congress must step in and stop hospital price gouging, by ensuring patients pay the same price for the same service, no matter the site of their care."
Dr. Yolanda Bogaert<br>Denver, CO
Dr. Yolanda Bogaert
Denver, CO
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"Here in Colorado, and across the United States, our health care system faces yet another alarming trend as costs continue to skyrocket: large hospitals are buying small physician practices, then charging patients more to access the exact same care there."
Dr. Lisa Kipersztok <br> Portland, OR
Dr. Lisa Kipersztok
Portland, OR
Primary Care Family Physician
Portland, OR
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"There is no sound reason for patients to be charged more for the same service because of where they receive it. Yet, the current system allows, and even incentivizes, large hospitals to buy up small physician practices, change the logo on the front door, and start charging more. Thankfully, Congress can act to help solve this problem, a truly bipartisan issue, and ensure that patients receive the same services for the same prices."
Dr. Audrey Nath <br> Houston, TX
Dr. Audrey Nath
Houston, TX
Pediatric Neurologist & Clinical Assistant Professor
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"High premiums and out-of-pocket costs don’t just hurt people’s pocketbooks, they also hurt their health. Every day, physicians see how patients’ concerns about health care costs keep them from seeking the care they need... It doesn’t have to be this way though. Our leaders in Congress can take action now to help fix this unfair practice."
Dr. Rommaan Ahmad <br> Alexandria, VA
Dr. Rommaan Ahmad
Alexandria, VA
Pain Management Physiatrist
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"Sticker shock doesn’t just hit individual patients. We all pay, because as health care costs continue to increase, premiums for all of us increase. And evidence shows, and doctors have known for a long time, that people skip getting care when health care gets too expensive and unaffordable."
Dr. Nancy Binford <br> Austin, TX
Dr. Nancy Binford
Austin, TX
Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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"As a physician who is an independent small business owner of a solo practice, I’ve watched the corporatization of health care grow over 25 years in Austin. It now predominates, and I’m gravely concerned."
Dr. Raina Young <br> Eagan, MN
Dr. Raina Young
Eagan, MN
Family Physician
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"Just as we strive to hold Big Pharma and insurance corporations accountable for price gouging, we must also hold large corporate hospital systems accountable for sticking patients with hundreds, even thousands, of dollars of extra fees for no other reason than that they can. And bipartisan proposals are starting to emerge to tackle this pressing problem."
Dr. Mona Mangat <br> Tampa Bay, FL
Dr. Mona Mangat
Tampa Bay, FL
Allergist and Immunologist
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"As a physician, it’s been troubling to see so many health care mergers and acquisitions as of late. What’s most worrisome is that, when small physician practices are purchased by large health systems, the cost for the same services goes up. Countless of my patients have refused a simple CT scan of the sinuses because they are quoted excessively high rates when trying to schedule at a hospital radiology department rather than an outpatient imaging center. Patients are unaware of this pricing tactic and their care suffers."
Dr. Rob Davidson <br> West MI
Dr. Rob Davidson
West MI
Emergency Physician
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“By changing the logos on the doors, big hospital systems are making billions more dollars — at the expense of our patients. Just because big hospitals are charging more for an MRI or a check-up, the quality of the care isn’t going up. Congress needs to act to pass common sense, bipartisan solutions to protect patients from being charged more for the same care just because of where they receive it.”


As hospitals continue to consolidate, this problem will only get worse, as patient care is shifted from lower-cost options in physician offices to hospital “outpatient departments.” And as these billions in health care costs accumulate for patients, insurance premiums increase for everyone.


Doctors know that when people aren’t able to afford the care they need, they develop worse health outcomes and suffer needlessly.


Thankfully, Congress has an opportunity to pass common sense, bipartisan solutions to protect patients from being charged more for the same care just because of where they receive it. Ensuring that patients pay the same price for the same service will save patients billions of dollars.


On average, when a physician’s office is acquired by a hospital system, the prices increase by:

0 %

(Journal of Health Economics 2018)

In 2023, Medicare pays:

0 %

for an echocardiogram in a hospital outpatient department than a freestanding physician office.


We know that patients should be charged the same price when they receive the same medical service, no matter where they receive it. Take action today to tell Congress to pass common sense, bipartisan solutions that would make Same Service, Same Price a reality.


Endorse the ‘Same Service, Same Price’ campaign by signing the physician letter to Congress.


Have a patient affordability or hospital consolidation story? Share it to the storybank.


Email to request a call from a member of the Committee’s Campaigns team to learn more.


Use your voice to advocate for your patients



Physicians Urge Congress to Support Site-Neutral Payment Solutions, Ensure Patients Receive Same Service for Same Price.