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Advancing Policy & Supporting Implementation

A platform for doctors to influence policy through politician accountability and education.

We connect doctors with opportunities to tell their stories, and those of their patients, to decision-makers in order to illuminate the human impacts of policy outcomes. When elected officials make harmful policy choices or spread dangerous disinformation, we empower doctors to correct the record.


Policymaker Education

We’re ensuring lawmakers are informed about key health care issues and their impact on constituents.

Physicians play a valuable role in explaining health outcomes of policy decisions for their patients and communities.

Policymaker Accountability

We’re holding policymakers accountable for their actions, we organize and use earned and paid media to inform the public about their elected representatives’ choices.

When elected officials and politicians take anti-care votes, spread harmful disinformation, or otherwise undermine health care access, physicians are there in white coats to set the record straight and remind Americans what’s at stake for their health.

Grasstops & Grassroots Advocacy

We’re blending high-level strategies and community advocacy for maximum impact.

From organizing physicians via simple petition drives to coordinating meetings between doctors and their members of Congress, we use thoughtful and creative techniques, powered by doctors, to make a difference.

Leveraging Community Leaders

We’re engaging influential community leaders and physicians to advocate for policy change at the highest levels, driving reform through their trusted voices and networks.

Working with and leading various coalitions across states, we’ve earned a reputation as a trusted and effective health care partner for other organizations as well as local, state, and federal leaders.

Patient-Centered Coalitions

We’re building powerful partnerships to create a health care system that works for everyone.

We leverage our expertise and resources to support coalitions and respond to legislative opportunities in states. We are eager to share insights across states to help replicate successful strategies in areas with health care reform potential.


Passing State Policies to Dramatically Expand Health Care Access

Extremely well-funded opposition campaigns– financed by insurance companies, hospitals, and other health care industry actors–necessitate a united front of physicians, advocates, stakeholders, and other medical professionals in order to advance state-based public health insurance options.

As a central partner in the legislative campaigns to pass public options in Colorado, Minnesota, and Nevada, the Committee recruited, trained, and mobilized thousands of physicians to engage via: legislative testimony, public communications, paid advertising, and other tactics as needed. These physicians, absent our efforts, may have remained on the sidelines, unsure of ways to engage meaningfully in the project.

Now, the Colorado Option accounts for 47% of all CO ACA marketplace enrollees, providing a high-quality, low-cost alternative to private insurance plans, while Minnesota and Nevada continue progress toward implementation of their respective programs, a process we continue to support.

Implementing Policies to Rein in Prescription Drug Costs

We know that passing a law is just one step toward more accessible health care — making sure the law is implemented effectively is another.

After helping to pass policies like Colorado’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB), we’ve continued our work with coalition partners to make sure the Board is doing its job to help rein in drug costs. Physician members in Colorado have submitted testimony to the Board applauding their work and encouraging them to set meaningful upper payment limits on prescription drugs under review, lobbied lawmakers to encourage them to oppose legislation that would render the Board less effective, and continued to generate earned media around the importance of lowering drug costs for Colorado patients.

When Big Pharma injected a “poison pill” amendment into the Colorado legislature, we activated our opposition research and national communications apparatus to place a story in the Rolling Stone, drawing connections between pharmaceutical companies’ tangled web of contributions to the patient advocacy groups supporting the amendment, as well as the adverse impact of the amendment on lowering costs for Colorado patients.

We continue to support implementation of PDABs in several states, while actively fighting to pass the legislation in states like Illinois, Michigan, and Virginia.


Passing State Policies to Dramatically Expand Health Care Access

Extremely well-funded opposition campaigns– financed by insurance companies, hospitals, and other health care industry actors–necessitate a united front of physicians, advocates, stakeholders, and other medical professionals in order to advance state-based public health insurance options.

As a central partner in the legislative campaigns to pass public options in Colorado, Minnesota, and Nevada, the Committee recruited, trained, and mobilized thousands of physicians to engage via: legislative testimony, public communications, paid advertising, and other tactics as needed. These physicians, absent our efforts, may have remained on the sidelines, unsure of ways to engage meaningfully in the project.

Now, the Colorado Option accounts for 47% of all CO ACA marketplace enrollees, providing a high-quality, low-cost alternative to private insurance plans, while Minnesota and Nevada continue progress toward implementation of their respective programs, a process we continue to support.

Implementing Policies to Rein in Prescription Drug Costs

We know that passing a law is just one step toward more accessible health care — making sure the law is implemented effectively is another.

After helping to pass policies like Colorado’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB), we’ve continued our work with coalition partners to make sure the Board is doing its job to help rein in drug costs. Physician members in Colorado have submitted testimony to the Board applauding their work and encouraging them to set meaningful upper payment limits on prescription drugs under review, lobbied lawmakers to encourage them to oppose legislation that would render the Board less effective, and continued to generate earned media around the importance of lowering drug costs for Colorado patients.

When Big Pharma injected a “poison pill” amendment into the Colorado legislature, we activated our opposition research and national communications apparatus to place a story in the Rolling Stone, drawing connections between pharmaceutical companies’ tangled web of contributions to the patient advocacy groups supporting the amendment, as well as the adverse impact of the amendment on lowering costs for Colorado patients.

We continue to support implementation of PDABs in several states, while actively fighting to pass the legislation in states like Illinois, Michigan, and Virginia.

Our Strategies in Action:

250+ Medical Professionals in MT Back CI-128 to Keep Patients in Charge of Own Medical Decisions

Proposed Illinois law would create board to help tackle high prescription drug prices; doctors, patients weigh in

Illinois doctors applaud Gov. Pritzker’s signing of bills to protect patients from predatory insurance practices

Paid family and medical leave deserves Kiggans’ support

Doctors urge U.S. Supreme Court to include abortion as stabilizing care under federal law

Marquette community members gather to support creation of Prescription Drug Affordability Board